
The #1 Weight Loss Scam:  DIETS.  ALL DIETS.  THEY ARE ALL A SCAM!!


I could just end this right here & I’d feel this blog was complete.  LOL!  But, I know you.  You want more.  You want an explanation.  

If I were to add up how many diets I went on in my life, the number would be staggering.  Probably close to 50.  Some of them I did 2 or 3 times.  

Ever heard of the Richard Simmons “Meal-a-Deal diet?”
How about The Cookie Diet?
Beverly Hills Diet?  

I did them all.  And after 20 years of “dieting” I was 100 lbs overweight.  This was the 2nd time!!  I was 100 lbs overweight 2x in my life.   I actually had weight loss surgery as one of my “diets” and gained my weight back from that too!!

Here’s the deal:  Diets don’t teach you how to manage your brain.  They restrict you from eating certain amounts of calories, or macros or carbs or types of food or amounts of food.  If you aren’t understanding WHY you eat, you’ll never really lose the weight for good.  

Now, some of you are going to argue with me and say – “But Diane, I am on this fabulous diet & I am losing weight!”  And I believe you!  I lost weight too!!!  But, on every single diet…I gained it all back!!    If you are on a diet that’s working for you right now – WOOHOO!!  I’m seriously very happy for you.  It’s a great feeling.  My hope is that once you reach your goal weight that you are able to maintain that weight for over a year.  THAT is when you know the diet really worked.  

Want a statistic?  95% of Diets fail & most will regain their weight back in 1- 5 years.   

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

I lived my entire adult life thinking the next diet would be the answer to my prayers & I would FINALLY lose this weight for good.  And every time I was sorely disappointed.

So, what changed?  

I learned to manage my brain around food!
What exactly does that mean?

It means I learned about how my brain functions.  For years, my brain thought that when I was feeling uncomfortable that I should eat something & I’d immediately feel better.  And…it worked!  I DID feel better.  (But it was a very unhealthy coping mechanism.)  After doing that for so long, there was a neural pathway formed in my brain that automatically went there when I was feeling emotions that were not serving me.  To overcome my emotional eating, I had to start some new neural pathways in my brain & teach it how to work in a whole new way!!  

One of the best ways for me to teach you about this is in my Emotional Eating Mini-course.  I teach you all about your higher & lower brain & why we do what we do; especially when it comes to eating.  

You can sign up and take my FREE course here

Bottom line.  STOP DIETING!!   We have to learn how to lose weight the way we’re going to live it.   

Give yourself a high 5 for trying out all those diets.  Now you know exactly what DOESN’T work!!  Time to dive in & find something that does.