

Diane explains everything so simply and helps you to understand why you eat emotionally and how to work through those emotions without adding more guilt.  Truly an eye opening course that I plan to implement forever!

– Lendee Beugelink

I have struggled with weight issues my whole adult life. I knew I was an emotional eater for a very long time. I have done many different “diets” over my lifetime, but this is the first ever course that I have taken that has addressed the emotional part of eating. This is also the first plan that I have stuck to during the whole time (not to say that I didn’t have my moments of going off protocol, I DID) but it is something that I know I can do for the rest of my life. That is huge! I also did not deprive myself of certain treats that I wanted along the way, which for me was so important. Being on this program for the last eight weeks has brought me to a place of emotional recognition and self love. This will be a constant work in progress but it is something I KNOW I can do long term! Thank you so much, Diane. I will forever be grateful

– DJ Egestad

This course is not a diet.  It shows you how much our mind has control over our actions/eating.  It teaches you how to regain that control by giving you the choice of what to eat and when.  I’ve never gone through anything like this before and thoroughly enjoyed it.

– Kristy Bayle

This course is simple and the community and camaraderie of the group was great!  I always felt like I was an emotional eater.  Nothing had ever addressed it and helped me learn to feel again, like this program.  Believe me, I’ve tried them all and have a T-shirt to prove it!  It was totally about the mindset for me.  I went into this knowing that failure was not an option, I would succeed and I kept telling myself that in a positive way.  As I  became aware I began to discover many new areas. I began to shed, I reached a goal that I had not been in 30 years.  I made it to Onederland and I’m not stopping there.  Nothing feels better than healthy on me!

– Darlene Glenn

This has been amazing – I was hopeful when I started but never expected to feel this good in such a short time and without spending a fortune! This course brought to light a lot of things in my life that I needed to finally deal with and showed me that I must have healthier ways of dealing with my stress. Losing 18pounds was great but gaining the knowledge and tools to have peace of mind and starting to feel like me again is the best – thank you!!

– Jamie Burmeister

As a recovering compulsive eater, I can testify this course has changed the way I look and think about food, as well as of myself. I’ve been on many, MANY, diets and failed over and over the past thirty years. I’ve paid thousands of dollars for a lap band surgery which was not successful. I’ve paid hundreds of dollars on weight loss programs. I used to constantly think about what I was going to eat next. I constantly felt horrible about myself and often didn’t care about my health, often contemplating suicide. This course was a game changer. An answer to this gal’s prayers. I appreciate how real and open Diane is throughout each part of the course. I’ve NEVER felt, and thought, this positive about myself in years!  I’m retaking this course for encouragement and continue implementing the plans Diane shares. Words can not express how grateful for ALL the work/words/example Diane have provided these past two months. Thank you!

– Yvonne Youngblood

I have found that it is more important to be healthy (mentally, physically & spiritually) than thin. The support and encouragement I learned in this course helped me to deal with the issues that make me eat unhealthy which will in turn allow me to not eat unhealthy without it feeling like a punishment. I still dream of warm, soft donuts but I don’t crave them. I have learned that guilt is self inflicted punishment, destructive and it’s ok to not indulge in destroying your own happiness. I have learned it is ok to walk away from memories and relationships that are unhealthy and bring you pain. I have learned that boundaries are a good thing when used properly. I have learned that it’s ok that I like me and to be my own cheerleader. I have learned that it’s ok that not everyone “gets me” and the ones who do are my tribe. I have learned that the journey is what is most important. I have learned that joyful living IS A CHOICE. I have learned that I still have much to work on, but I can face that journey knowing I am loved and supported.  Thank you for being part of my journey!

– Norma Richey

Love the use of the oils to manage my emotions. Identifying an emotion and working to manage that feeling with oils has allowed me to stay more focused and posting working through situations opposed to living through times, which could last days of negativity or sadness.

– Andrea Cardona

I feel this course is great for learning how to control your emotional brain. It not only can help with eating, but any other bad habit that comes from the emotional instability, such as spending. The first thing I learned was that I was much more of an emotional eater than I realized. This course helped me stop and realize what I was really feeling and why I wanted to eat.  The biggest benefit is that I was able to lose more than 10 pounds without feeling like I was dieting or cheating. When I knew something was coming up that I would want to eat something not normally healthy, I would plan for it. For my birthday, I planned in my protocol that I would eat some cake. For Halloween, knowing that I would want to eat the candy on hand, I planned in my protocol that I would eat 2 small candies per day.  By planning ahead, I was able to eat some sweets without guilt and not want more.

– Cathy Richardson

You, Your Mood & Food Course
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