If you know me at all, you’ll know that I’ve never said a cuss word in my life.  (#truth)  It’s just how I was raised.  If you choose to cuss, it’s all good!!!  This is a no judgment zone.  You be YOU!  

So, what’s up with the 2 F-words?  The 2 words I’m going to tell you about are dangerous words to have in your vocabulary.  THINKING them is even worse than SAYING them!!  If we could just cut them out of our life, we’d all be a little better off.  What are they?!?!  



If I could tell you how much this word has caused me pain in my life, you’d get a glimpse of why I want it out of my life.  It’s way too long to even go into detail but, I’m going to give you the short version.
(You can read about my blog on Fear vs Love here if you’d like to read more.)

Fear literally cripples us.  For years, it kept me from doing the following:

  • Fear of failing kept me from wanting to set goals.  
  • Fear of how my husband would react to boundaries kept me from improving my marriage.
  • Fear of my kids thinking I was not a “good mom” kept me from fully loving them unconditionally.  (That’s a whole ‘nother story!)
  • Fear of missing out kept me from focusing on the ONE thing vs being involved in everything.
  • Fear of what others thought kept me from living my authentic life.  (I lived 2 lives!)
  • Fear of being hurt kept me from making new friends.

When we live in FEAR, it’s like putting a box over our head.  We are afraid to move!  We don’t want to be hurt.  We don’t want to be judged.  We don’t want to fail.  It’s SAFE in the box.  It feels COMFORTABLE in the box.  


(Yes.  I am yelling!!  Can you hear my passion?!?!?)

If you are living with FEAR in your life right now, I want you to stop & ask yourself why.  WHY?!  What is it you’re afraid of?  Is it worth you not living a full, authentic life?  I’ll let you think about that for a bit.


This one is a step down from Fear, but only by a tiny notch.  We are human beings.  We are meant to fail.  Read that again. WE WERE MEANT TO FAIL.  It’s the only way to learn.  You will not find anyone in this world who has accomplished something great that didn’t FAIL their way there.  They needed to FAIL to figure it out.  

  • Nobody is going to start out hitting home runs their 1st time playing baseball.  
  • Piano players don’t sit down & play a masterpiece their 1st time playing.
  • Bakers on the British Baking Show didn’t become who they are on their first cake!
  • Olympic swimmers don’t win Gold Medals after their 1st swim practice.  

Why in the world do we think we have to be so dang perfect to do anything?  We are so afraid of failing that we don’t even start!  That, my friend….is living in a freakin’ box.  (Told you I don’t cuss!!  LOL!)  Living in a BOX is not living!!  

This life is 50/50.  50% of the time we’re happy & things are awesome.  The other 50% is down right miserable.  How do I know?  Well, look at your life!  RIGHT?!?!  It was always meant to be that way.  As a matter of fact, we wouldn’t even know that things were awesome if we didn’t have the miserable part to compare it to.  

THAT is why we must know FAILURE.  It makes the great times that much sweeter.  

When someone tells me they’re moving forward & are AFRAID, I say – WAY TO BE!!! 

When someone tells me they FAILED at their attempt – I say – WAY TO BE!!!