If I could go back

If I could go back

I have made BIG mistakes in my life.  Mistakes I thought were good choices at the time that turned out to be disastrous.  This pic was me several years ago as I was wheeled back to have Weight Loss Surgery.  I “thought” this was my only option at the time.  I’d tried...
Tacos, BLT’s & pizza – OH MY!

Tacos, BLT’s & pizza – OH MY!

I don’t like diet food. I want my food to taste good.  (Who likes eating cardboard?  Not me!)  I found ways to eat the foods I like without emotionally eating AND still lose weight.  (win-win!!)   I ate a lot of TACOS, BLT’s & PIZZA during my weight loss phase.  I...
My thoughts on MLM’s

My thoughts on MLM’s

I’m gonna be brutally honest here.   Some of my MLM friends may not like this.   Here’s my truth:  MLM’s have a bad name. I ignore most of them like the plague.   There.  I said it.   So, why am I a part of an MLM business?!??!??!?!?     I went in kicking...