My Story

Who is Diane?

I’m ordinary.  Average.  Authentic.  Perfectly Imperfect.  What you see is what you get.  I’m also a bit crazy.  Sometimes I say dumb stuff & put my foot in my mouth.  But, I’m quick to apologize and I always give others the benefit of the doubt.  I’m a forward thinker and always have something I’m working on.  I love to strategize & come up with ideas on how to improve my life.  And…I get even more JOY in finding out how those strategies can improve others lives.  My life brought challenges, but one thing I’ve learned along my journey was that even though I struggle, I never give up.  I love knowing that my struggles can be a lesson for others to learn from.  

I see people for who they are.  I genuinely love & accept you as YOU.  You don’t need to change a thing.  I believe people are WHOLE just the way they are.  I believe we are all on the same journey of life & are just trying to figure it all out as best we can.  I believe we need more compassion & less comparison.  We need more acceptance & less judgment.  

Diane Shep

Diane’s Life & Family

Diane’s passion is her family

I was born in a small town of Arizona where I was raised in a happy home with my 8 sisters & 1 brother.   I’ve been married to my husband Jeff  for 25 years & together we have 4 children.  (Ages 10 – 25)  The one thing I treasure more than anything in my life are my children.  My children teach me every day.  When my youngest son; Treyson, was 4 years old, he was accidentally run over by a truck in our driveway & not expected to live.  He ended up surviving and was given the nickname “miracle boy”.  He is a perfectly happy little boy today.  I learned the importance of truly living each day & not pushing things off ‘til later.  You never know when your last day will be.  My oldest daughter; Mckenna, taught me some very important life lessons after she struggled with an addiction.  She lived in an Addiction Facility for over 2 years.  During that time, our family learned what it meant to truly LOVE & ACCEPT.  I now know what it means to unconditionally love to the deepest part of my soul.  My daughter taught me that.  I couldn’t be more proud of her and the hard life choices she made.   My life has brought challenges & was not easy. There were marriage & financial struggles that seemed to be never ending.   My husband & I separated 2 different times.   We were $300,000 in debt & on the verge of bankruptcy.  I turned to food to manage my life & had a continuous weight issue for years.  I was 100 lbs overweight 2 different times in my life.  Because I’m not a quitter, I learned from each of my struggles & never let them define me.  Today, we have happy healthy kids, we’re still married, living debt free & I’ve lost 80 lbs.  I want my life to be an example of what’s possible.

Diane’s Musical Background

Diane started playing the piano at the age of 3 and continued through out her life. She was often found playing for church services, community affairs or winning a local piano competition. She eventually graduated from BYU-Hawaii with a degree in Music. She is an avid piano player & specializes in sight-reading & accompanying. Diane started teaching piano at the age of 14 and her first job was performing at different church denominations as the church organist. Diane has taught piano for over 30 years. She continues to perform regularly in community & church performances.

How my career changed from Music to Essential oil educator
& certified weight coach?

I’ve always been a bit of an entrepreneur.  (I was selling squash down the street in my little red wagon at 8 yrs old.)  In 2011, I had a thriving Piano Studio teaching 60 students with a waiting list. Even though music was my passion, it was not a high-income-paying job. My husband was self-employed & together we barely paid our monthly bills. My life unexpectedly changed in April of that year when my sister; Nora Johnson, gave me an essential oil called Melaleuca for my son’s ear discomfort. I was not excited about it & truly thought my sister had joined the looney bin. Essential oils?!? However; magic happened with my sons’ ears. I attended a class soon after & learned so much more about how they worked.  9 years later, my husband quit his job to join me & our family is debt free, living in our dream home & both of us work at home setting our own schedule.  Today they call me the Crazy oil Lady.  I take it as a compliment. 

After building my essential oil business, I learned very quickly that money was not a motivator for me.  I had already reached all of my monetary goals.  I knew there was more for me to accomplish in my life.  After using essential oils in a unique way to help with my emotions around food & how they helped with my weight loss, I decided I needed to share what I had learned.  But; I wanted to be qualified & get more training.  I joined The Life Coach School & became a certified Life & Weight coach.  I formed an emotional eating program around exactly what I had done to lose my emotional weight.  And, that became the You, Your Mood & Food Emotional Eating Course.  I couldn’t be more thrilled to put this together and help so many woman who are just like me.

Diane & Direct Sales

I am not new to Direct Sales. During my 25 years of teaching piano, 10 of those years were also spent selling kitchen tools with The Pampered Chef. I learned some valuable skills about leading a team. I earned several Top Performance Awards for personal and team Achievements during my time with TPC.  The knowledge I learned from that experience helped me grow quickly with my doTERRA business. I hit the rank of Diamond in 1 year & 8 months. Blue Diamond came a year later & Presidential Diamond happened a year after that. (The top rank in doTERRA.)  I developed a unique system of training that worked so well, the company now uses it to teach the entire company.  I’ll admit it it – I have tenacity.  When I set a goal – I achieve it.  But, I’m very picky about the goals I set.  I only set ones I plan to accomplish. 


Diane’s Mission

I feel a strong need to help women who feel like they are not enough; women who think they need to look or be something different than what they are.  I struggled with these feelings the majority of my life and KNOW from experience how much these can stop you from progressing into who you are really meant to be.  I am married to a man who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.  One of the characteristics of that disorder is that they live in SHAME & it is very easy to put the blame of their life on someone else.  I have to take a DAILY inventory of who I really am.  I have to check in with my higher power often to make sure I am still living in my own authenticity & not letting outside sources determine my worth.

My husband teaches me.  He strengthens me.  It’s not easy, but my circumstances have molded my life into what it is now.  I was meant to be married to a man with a mental illness.  We learn from each other.  And, because of that learning – I now have a full understanding of how other women feel who live in a situation like mine.

I’m on a mission to share my story of HOPE and JOY.  Despite my circumstances, I get to choose every day how I feel about myself.  I get to choose if I will let outside sources define me.  I get to choose EXACTLY what my life will be like.  My life does not define ME.  That is the message of HOPE I want all women to know.

Diane’s Favorite Quotes


“We make a living by what we GET. We make a life, by what we GIVE.”

“I took the road less traveled and made it a highway.”

“In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just stand there.”

“Happiness is knowing the life you’re living is acceptable to God.”